Altova MobileTogether Designer

The Controls Pane (see User Interface for its location) shows all the controls that can be added to a page design or to a workflow. To see the default location of the Controls Pane, go to The Graphical User Interface (GUI).


Page design controls

Page design controls are available when the Page Design tab is selected in the Main Window. The appearance of the Controls Pane and the controls corresponds to the currently selected device. For example, the Controls Panes shown in the screenshots below are for Android LG Optimus 7 (left) and iPhone 6 Plus (right).

Click to expand/collapse Click to expand/collapse

The pane's controls are organized into a General section and a Device-Specific section. To add a control to a page design, drag and drop the control onto the desired location in the page design.


In the context menu of a control (obtained by right-clicking the control), select the List All command to display  in the Listings Pane all instances of that control type that occur in the active design.


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