Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Instead of the fixed standard XMLSpy design, you can create a customized design for XBRL taxonomy documentation. The customized design is created in a StyleVision SPS, which is a design template for the output document.


Creating the SPS

A StyleVision Power Stylesheet (or SPS) is created using Altova's StyleVision product. An SPS for generating XBRL taxonomy documentation must be based on an XML Schema that specifies the structure of the XBRL taxonomy documentation. This schema is called XBRLDocumentation.xsd, and it is delivered with your XMLSpy package. It is stored in the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Altova\XMLSpy2025\Documentation\XBRL.


When creating the SPS design in StyleVision, nodes from the XBRLDocumentation.xsd schema are placed in the design template and assigned styles and properties. Additional components, like links, tables and images, can also be added to the SPS design. In this way, the entire output document can be designed in the SPS. How to create an SPS design in StyleVision is described in detail in the StyleVision user manual.


The advantage of using an SPS for generating XBRL taxonomy documentation is that you have complete control over the SPS design. Note also that PDF output of the XBRL taxonomy documentation is available only if a user-defined SPS is used; PDF output is not available if the fixed XMLSpy design is used.


Specifying the SPS to use for XBRL taxonomy documentation

After an SPS has been created, it can be used to generate XBRL taxonomy documentation. The SPS you wish to use for generating the XBRL taxonomy documentation is selected in the XBRL Taxonomy Documentation dialog (accessed via the XBRL | Generate Documentation command). In the Documentation Design pane of this dialog (see screenshot below), select the Use User-Defined Design radio button. You can then click the Browse button and browse for the SPS you want. Click the dialog's OK button, and, in the Save dialog that pops up, select the folder for, and enter the name of, the output file.


Note:The SPS file must correctly locate the schema on which it is based: XBRLDocumentation.xsd (see above).

One editable SPS design for XBRL taxonomy documentation generation is delivered with XMLSpy. It is named XBRLDocumentation.sps and is in the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Altova\XMLSpy2011\Documentation\XBRL\. This SPS file, together with other SPS files you have recently browsed for, will be available in the combo box of the Use User-Defined option (see screenshot above).


Clicking the Edit button in the Documentation Design pane launches StyleVision and opens the selected SPS in a StyleVision window. In order to preview the result document in StyleVision, you will need a Working XML file. A sample XML file for this purpose, called nanonull.xml, is supplied with your application and is located in the folder:


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Altova\XMLSpy2025\Documentation\XBRL\SampleData


Note:In order to use an SPS to generate XBRL taxonomy documentation, you must have StyleVision installed on your machine.


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