Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition


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XMLSpy enables you to connect to a variety of databases (DBs) and then perform operations such as querying the DB, importing the DB structure as an XML Schema, generating an XML data file from the DB, and exporting data to a DB. Each DB-related feature is available in XMLSpy as a menu command, and is described in the User Reference section of this documentation under the respective command. A complete list of these commands is given below, with links to the respective descriptions.


In this section, we do the following:


Describe how to connect to a database, which is an operation that is required for executing any of XMLSpy's DB-related commands; and

List DBs that have been successfully tested for use with XMLSpy.


Note:If you are using the 64-bit version of XMLSpy, ensure that you have access to the 64-bit database drivers needed for the specific database you are connecting to.


XMLSpy's DB-related features

XMLSpy's DB-related features are executed with commands in the DB and Convert menus.


Query Database: In the DB menu. Loads the structure of the DB in a separate Database Query window and enables queries to the DB. Results are displayed in the Database Query window.

IBM DB2: In the DB menu. IBM DB2 is an XML DB, and XMLSpy enables management of the XML Schemas of the XML DB as well as editing and validation of the XML DB.

SQL Server: In the DB menu. XMLSpy enables management of the XML Schemas of the DB as well as editing and validation features.

Oracle XML DB: In the DB menu. Provides a range of functionality for Oracle XML DBs, including XML Schema management, database querying, and generation of XML files based on DB schemas.

Import Database Data: In the Convert menu. Imports DB data into an XML file.

Create XML Schema from DB Structure: In the Convert menu. Generates an XML Schema that is based on the structure of the DB.

DB Import Based on XML Schema: In the Convert menu. With an XML Schema document active in XMLSpy, a DB connection is made and the data of a selected DB table can be imported. The resulting XML document will have a structure based on the XML Schema that was active when the DB connection was made.

Create DB Structure from XML Schema: In the Convert menu. DB tables with no data are created based on the structure of an existing XML Schema.

Export to Database: In the Convert menu. Data from an XML document can be exported to a DB. Existing DB tables can be updated with the XML data, or new tables can be created that contain the XML data.


Datatype conversions

When converting data between XML documents and DBs, datatypes must necessarily be converted to types appropriate for the respective formats. The way XMLSpy converts datatypes is given in the appendices Datatypes in DB-Generated XML Schemas and Datatypes in DBs Generated from XML Schemas.


Altova DatabaseSpy

Altova's DatabaseSpy is a multi-database query and DB design tool that offers additional DB functionality to that available in XMLSpy. For more details about Altova DatabaseSpy, visit the Altova website.


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