Keyboard Map
The Help | Keyboard Map command causes an information box to be displayed that contains a menu-by-menu listing of all commands in XMLSpy. Menu commands are listed with a description and shortcut keystrokes for the command.

To view commands in a particular menu, select the menu name in the Category combo box. You can print the command by clicking the printer icon.
You should note the following points about shortcuts:
•Certain commands (and their shortcuts) are applicable only within a certain view. For example, most of the commands in the XML menu are applicable only in Grid View. Other commands (such as File | Save or XML | Check Well-Formedness) are available in multiple views.
•Other cool shortcuts: For example, Shift+F10 brings up the context menu in Text View and Schema View; Ctrl+E when the cursor is inside an element start or end tag in Text View moves the cursor to the end or start tag, respectively.
•In the Keyboard tab of the Customize dialog, you can also set your own shortcuts for various menu commands.