Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

The Inline XBRL tab (screenshot below) offers options for the normalization of whitespace (space characters, tabs, line feeds, and carriage returns) in Inline XBRL.


The options are as follows:


If Extended whitespace normalization is selected, then non-breaking spaces are also considered to be whitespace.

Preserve leaves whitespace unchanged.

Trim removes whitespace on both sides of strings.

Replace all occurrences of tab, linefeed, and carriage return are replaced by a space.

Collapse is an extension of Replace in that a replace is carried out, and then all contiguous spaces are collapsed to a single space.

Perform ESEF Reporting Manual checks: Enables checks for conformance with the ESEF Reporting Manual when an Inline XBRL document is validated. For more information about ESEF, see the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) web page.


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