Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Method: ImportFromSchema(pImportSettings as DatabaseConnection,strTable as String,pSchemaDoc as Document) as Document


Return Value

Creates a new document filled with data from the specified database as specified by the schema definition in pSchemaDoc.



ImportFromSchema imports data from a database specified in pImportSettings. Properties mandatory to be filled out are one of DatabaseConnection.File, DatabaseConnection.ADOConnection or DatabaseConnection.ODBCConnection. Additionally, you can use DatabaseConnection.AsAttributes, DatabaseConnection.ExcludeKeys and NumberDateTimeFormat to further parameterize import. All other properties get ignored.


ImportFromSchema  does not use an explicit SQL statement to select the data. Instead, it expects a structure definition of the document to create in form of an XML schema document in pSchemaDoc. From this definition the database select statement is automatically deduced. Specify in strTable the table name of the import root that will become the root node in the new document.


See GetDatabaseSettings and GetDatabaseTables for necessary steps preceding an import from a database based on a schema definition. To create the schema definition file use command 'create database schema' from the 'convert' menu of XMLSpy.




The application object is no longer valid.


Invalid parameter or invalid address for the return parameter was specified.


Import from database failed.


Invalid database specified.


Database import failed.


Could not create validator for the specified schema.


Failed parsing schema for database import.

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