Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

For direct access, we want to have a button that will validate the current document. The method is similar to that used in the previous section.


First comes the button:


<input type="button" value="Validate" onclick="BtnValidate()">


Then we provide the script that will validate the current document.


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// check validity of current document.
// if validation fails, show validation result in alert box .
function BtnValidate()
  // get top-level object of automation interface
  var objApp = objXMLSpyControl.Application;
  // get the active document
  var objDocument = objApp.ActiveDocument;
  if ( objDocument == null )
     alert( "no active document found" );
    // define as arrays to support their usage as return parameters
    var errorText = new Array(1);
    var errorPos = new Array(1);
    var badData = new Array(1);
    var valid = objDocument.IsValid(errorText, errorPos, badData);
    if (! valid)
          // compose the error description
          var text = errorText;
          // access that XMLData object only if filled in
          if (badData[0] != null)
              text += "(" + badData[0].Name + "/" + badData[0].TextValue + ")";
           alert("Validation error[" + errorPos + "]: " + text);
        alert("Document is valid");

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