Altova XMLSpy 2025 Professional Edition

The XMLSpy installation package contains an example Java project, located in the the API\Java subfolder of the Examples folder :



Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11



This folder contains Java examples for the XMLSpy API. You can test it directly from the command line using the batch file BuildAndRun.bat, or you can compile and run the example project from within Eclipse. See below for instructions on how to use these procedures.


File list

The Java examples folder contains all the files required to run the example project. These files are listed below. If you are using a 64-bit version of the application, some filenames contain _x64 in the name. These filenames are indicated with (_x64).



Java-COM bridge: DLL part


Java-COM bridge: Java library part


Java classes of the XMLSpy API

Java example source code


Batch file to compile and run example code from the command line prompt. Expects folder where Java Virtual Machine resides as parameter.


Eclipse project helper file


Eclipse project file

Javadoc file containing help documentation for the Java API




What the example does

The example starts up XMLSpy and performs a few operations, including opening and closing documents. When done, XMLSpy stays open. You must close it manually.


Start XML Spy: Starts XMLSpy, which is registered as an automation server, or activates XMLSpy if it is already running.

Open OrgChart.pxf: Locates one of the example documents installed with XMLSpy and opens it.

Iteration and Changing the View Mode: Changes the view of all open documents to Text View. The code also shows how to iterate through open documents.

Iteration, validation, output parameters: Validates the active document and shows the result in a message box. The code shows how to use output parameters.

Event Handling: Shows how to handle XMLSpy events.

Shut down XMLSpy: Shuts down XMLSpy.


You can modify the example in any way you like and run it.


Running the example from the command line

To run the example from the command line, open a command prompt window, go to the Java folder of the API Examples folder (see above for location), and then type:


 buildAndRun.bat "<Path-to-the-Java-bin-folder>"


The Java binary folder must be that of a JDK 14 or later installation on your computer. Press the Return key. The Java source in will be compiled and then executed.


Loading the example in Eclipse

Open Eclipse and use the Import | Existing Projects into Workspace command to add the Eclipse project file (.project) located in the Java folder of the API Examples folder (see above for location). The project RunXMLSpy will then appear in your Package Explorer or Navigator. Select the project and then the command Run as | Java Application to execute the example.


Note:You can select a class name or method of the Java API and press F1 to get help for that class or method.


Java source code listing

The Java source code in the example file is listed below with comments.



001 // Access general JAVA-COM bridge classes

002 import com.altova.automation.libs.*;


004 // Access XMLSpy Java-COM bridge

005 import com.altova.automation.XMLSpy.*;

006 import com.altova.automation.XMLSpy.Enums.SPYViewModes;


008 /**

009  * An example that starts XMLSpy COM server and performs view operations on it

010  * Feel free to extend

011  */

012 public class RunXMLSpy

013 {

014   public static void main(String[] args)

015   {

016     // An instance of the application.

017     Application xmlSpy = null;


019     // Instead of COM error handling, use Java exception mechanism

020     try

021       {

022       // Start XMLSpy as COM server

023       xmlSpy = new Application();


025       // COM servers start up invisible, so make it visible

026       xmlSpy.setVisible(true);


028       // Locate samples installed with the product

029       String strExamplesFolder =

030       System.getenv("USERPROFILE") + "\\My Documents\\Altova\\XMLSpy2012\\Examples\\";


032       // Open two example files

033       xmlSpy.getDocuments().openFile(strExamplesFolder + "OrgChart.pxf", false);

034       xmlSpy.getDocuments().openFile(strExamplesFolder + "ExpReport.xml", false);


036       // Iterate through open documents and set view mode to 'Text'.

037       for (Document doc:xmlSpy.getDocuments())

038       if ( doc.getCurrentViewMode() != SPYViewModes.spyViewText)

039           doc.switchViewMode(SPYViewModes.spyViewText);


041       // An alternative iteration mode is index-based

042       // COM indices are typically zero-based

043       Documents documents = xmlSpy.getDocuments();

044       for (int i = 1; i <= documents.getCount();

045           i++)

046           {

047             Document doc = documents.getItem(i);


049       // Validation is one of the few methods to have output parameters.

050       // The class JVariant is the correct type for parameters in these cases.

051       // To get values back mark them with the by-reference flag.

052       JVariant validationErrorText = new


054       JVariant.JStringVariant("");


056       validationErrorText.setByRefFlag();

057       JVariant validationErrorCount = new


059       JVariant.JIntVariant(0);


061       validationErrorCount.setByRefFlag();

062       JVariant validationErrorXMLData = new


064       JVariant.JIDispatchVariant(0);


066       validationErrorXMLData.setByRefFlag();

067       if (!doc.isValid(validationErrorText, validationErrorCount, validationErrorXMLData))

068           System.out.println("Document" + doc.getName() + " is not wellformed - " + validationErrorText.getStringValue());

069         else

070           System.out.println("Document" + doc.getName() + " is wellformed.");

071       }


073       // The following lines attach to the document events using a default implementation

074       // for the events and override one of its methods.

075       // If you want to override all document events it is better to derive your listener class

076       // from DocumentEvents and implement all methods of this interface.

077       Document doc = xmlSpy.getActiveDocument();

078       doc.addListener(new


080 DocumentEventsDefaultHandler()

081       {

082         @Override

083         public boolean


085 onBeforeCloseDocument(Document i_ipDoc) throws AutomationException

086         {

087           System.out.println("Document


089 " + i_ipDoc.getName() + " requested closing.");


091           // Allow closing of document

092           return true;

093         }

094       });

095       doc.close(true);

096       doc = null;


098       System.out.println("Watch XMLSpy!");

099     }

100     catch (AutomationException e)

101     {

102       // e.printStackTrace();

103     }

104     finally

105     {

106       // Make sure that XMLSpy can shut down properly.

107       if (xmlSpy != null)

108           xmlSpy.dispose();


110       // Since the COM server was made visible and still is visible,

111       // it will keep running, and needs to be closed manually.

112       System.out.println("Now close XMLSpy!");

113     }

114   }

115 }


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