Altova XMLSpy 2025 Professional Edition

Entry Helpers (Text View, Authentic View)

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For XML documents in Text View and Authentic View, there are three entry helpers: Elements, Attributes, and Entities. When an element is added via the Elements entry helper, it can be added together with mandatory child elements, mandatory attributes, all child elements, or no child element or attribute, according to the respective settings in the Editing section of the Options dialog. When empty attributes are added, they are added with quotes.


Note that in the different views, the entry helpers are designed differently, in accordance with the functionality of the respective view.


Elements entry helper

The following points should be noted:


Text View: Elements are inserted at the cursor insertion point. Unused elements are displayed in red, used elements in gray. Mandatory elements are indicated with an exclamation mark "!" before the name of the element.

Authentic View: Elements can be inserted before, after, or within the selected element. Additionally, there is a document tree that shows the location of the currently selected element in the document's tree structure. For more details of how to edit in Authentic View, see the Authentic View section.


Attributes entry helper

The following points should be noted:


Text View: When the cursor is placed inside the start tag of an element and after a space, the attributes declared for that element become visible. Unused attributes are displayed in red, used attributes in gray. Mandatory attributes are indicated with an exclamation mark "!" before the name of the attribute.


To insert an attribute, double-click the required attribute. The attribute is inserted at the cursor point together with an equals-to sign and quotes to delimit the attribute value. The cursor is placed between the quotes, so you can start typing in the attribute value directly.

Authentic View: When an element is selected, the attributes declared for that element become visible. Enter the value of the attribute in the entry helper.


Entities entry helper

Any parsed or unparsed entity that is declared inline (within the XML document) or in an external DTD, is displayed in the Entities entry helper. In all three views (Text, Grid, and Authentic), an entity is inserted at the cursor insertion point by double-clicking it. In Grid View, entities are displayed in the Append,  Insert, and Add Child tabs.


Note that if you add an internal entity, you will need to save and reopen your document before the entity appears in the Entities entry helper.


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