Altova XMLSpy 2025 Professional Edition

XSLT Transformations

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To generate an HTML file from the XML file using an XSL stylesheet to transform the XML file. You should note that a "transformation" does not change the XML file into anything else; instead a new output file is generated. The word "transformation" is a convention.



The method used to carry out the transformation is as follows:


Assign a predefined XSL file, Company.xsl, to the XML document.

Execute the transformation within the XMLSpy interface using one of the two built-in Altova XSLT engines. (See note below.)


Commands used in this section

The following XMLSpy commands are used in this section:



XSL/XQuery | Assign XSL, which assigns an XSL file to the active XML document.


XSL/XQuery | Go to XSL, opens the XSL file referenced by the active XML document.


XSL/XQuery | XSL Transformation (F10), or the toolbar icon, transforms the active XML document using the XSL stylesheet assigned to the XML file. If an XSL file has not been assigned then you will be prompted for one when you select this command.


Note:XMLSpy has built-in XSLT engines for XSLT 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. The correct engine is automatically selected by XMLSpy on the basis of the version attribute in the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element. In this tutorial, we use an XSLT 3.0 stylesheet, so the XSLT 3.0 Engine will be selected automatically when the XSL Transformation command is invoked.


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