Altova XMLSpy 2025 Professional Edition

RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server

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If Altova RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server (hereafter also called RaptorXML Server, RaptorXML, or Raptor for short) is installed and licensed on your network and if your XMLSpy installation has access to it, then you can use RaptorXML Server  to validate XML and XBRL* documents, as well as run XSLT and XQuery transformations. You can validate the active document or all the documents in an XMLSpy project folder. The validation results are displayed in the Messages window of the GUI.


In XMLSpy, you can (i) validate documents, (ii) run XSLT/XQuery transformations, or  (iii) execute XULE documents (or document sets) on an XBRL instance. One of the main advantages of using Raptor is that you can configure individual validations or executions by means of a large range of validation options. Furthermore, you can store a set of Raptor options as a "configuration" in XMLSpy, and then select one of your defined configurations for a particular Raptor validation. Using Raptor is also advantageous when large data collections are to be validated.


Note:The actual performance depends on the number of PC processor cores used by RaptorXML Server for the validation: The higher the number of cores used, the faster will be the processing.


*Note:There are two editions of Raptor: RaptorXML Server (for XML validations) and RaptorXML+XBRL Server (for XML and XBRL validations). If you wish to validate XBRL documents, you must use RaptorXML+XBRL Server. For more information about RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server, please see the Altova website and the user manuals: RaptorXML Server and RaptorXML+XBRL Server.



Note:RaptorXML Server cannot be used with HTTP proxies because these do not support websocket upgrades. If you encounter this problem, add the RaptorXML Server host to the proxy-ignore list.


How to validate or transform using RaptorXML Server

To validate an XML or XBRL document using RaptorXML Server, or to run an XSLT or XQuery transformation, XMLSpy must know which RaptorXML Server to use, how to access this server, and what options to pass to Raptor for the validation. This information is managed in XMLSpy as follows:


1.By adding a server to the pool of Raptor servers . In this step, RaptorXML Servers are added to a pool, and the access information of each server is stored in XMLSpy. Each server is identified by a name.

2.By defining configurations for each server. A configuration is a set of Raptor validation options. Each server can have multiple configurations. For a validation, you select one configuration, which becomes the active configuration.

3.Selecting a server configuration with which to validate. A server and one of its configurations is selected to be the active configuration. The active configuration is used for all subsequent validations that use Raptor.

4.Validate or run the XSLT/XQuery transformation with Raptor.


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