Altova UModel 2025 Professional Edition

Im folgenden C# IDE Plug-in Beispiel wird ein neuer C# Delegate in der oberen/linken Ecke des aktiven Diagrammfensters eingefügt (falls sich dieses Diagramm innerhalb einer C# Namespace Root befindet). Im Beispiel werden sowohl die UModel API als auch die UModel IDE Plug-In Library verwendet. Es steht in der folgenden Datei zur Verfügung: ..\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn\CSharpDelegate\UModelCSharpDelegate.cs.


Für das Erstellen und Ausführen des Beispiels gelten dieselben Voraussetzungen wie für andere UModel IDE Plug-ins, siehe Erstellen und Ausführen des Plug-in.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UModelLib;
using UModelPlugInLib;
* CSharp delegate sample
* add a new CSharp delegate on the top/left corner of the active class diagram if possible
* (i.e. when diagram is inside a C# root namespace)
namespace CSharpDelegate
  public class UModelCSharpDelegate : UModelPlugInLib.IUModelPlugIn
      #region helpers
      protected string GetPlugInPath()
          string sDLLPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
          return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sDLLPath);
      #region IUModelPlugIn Members
      public string GetDescription()
          return "CSharpDelegate sample Plug-in for UModel;This Plug-in demonstrates how to create a new CSharp delegate on a class diagram.";
      public string GetUIModifications()
              string sPath = GetPlugInPath();
              System.IO.StreamReader myFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(sPath + "\\config.xml");
              string sRet = myFile.ReadToEnd();
              // this replaces the token "**path**" from the XML file with
              // the actual installation path of the plug-in to get the image file
              return sRet.Replace("**path**", sPath);
          catch (System.Exception ex)
              System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error in GetUIModifications:" + ex.Message);
              throw ex;
      public void OnInitialize(object pUModel)
          // before processing DDE or batch commands
      public void OnRunning(object pUModel)
          // DDE or batch commands are processed; application is fully initialized
      public void OnShutdown(object pUModel)
          // application will shutdown; release all unused objects
      public UModelUpdateAction OnUpdateCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          UModelUpdateAction action = UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // check if we can add a new CSharpDelegate on the active diagram
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 4)
              action = OnUpdateAddNewCSharpDelegate((IApplication)pUModel);
          // release unused objects
          return action;
      public void OnCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          // add a new CSharpDelegate on the active diagram
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 4)
          // release unused objects
      #region AddNewCSharpDelegate // add new CSharp delegate on active diagram
      UModelUpdateAction OnUpdateAddNewCSharpDelegate(IApplication pUModel)
          if (pUModel == null)
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the active document of the application
          IDocument iDoc = pUModel.ActiveDocument;
          if (iDoc == null)
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the active diagram window
          IDiagramWindow iActiveDiagram = iDoc.ActiveDiagramWindow;
          if ( iActiveDiagram == null )
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the UML diagram of the diagram window
          IUMLGuiDiagram iUMLDiagram = iActiveDiagram.Diagram;
          // check if it is a class diagram
          if ( !( iUMLDiagram is IUMLGuiClassDiagram) )
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // verify if the diagram may be modified
          if ( !iUMLDiagram.IsEditable )
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the UML element, which "owns" the class diagram
          IUMLElement iDiagramOwner = iUMLDiagram.LinkedOwner;
          if (iDiagramOwner == null)
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // verify if we are inside a CSharp namespace root (otherwise adding a CSharp delegate makes no sense)
          IUMLElement iFindNamespaceRoot = iDiagramOwner;
          while( iFindNamespaceRoot != null)
              if ( iFindNamespaceRoot is IUMLPackage)
                  IUMLPackage iPackage = (IUMLPackage) iFindNamespaceRoot;
                  if ( iPackage.IsCodeLangNamespaceRoot( ENUMCodeLang.eCodeLang_CSharp ) )
                      return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Enable;
              iFindNamespaceRoot = iFindNamespaceRoot.Owner;
          // nothing found => disable command
          return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
      public void OnAddNewCSharpDelegate(IApplication pUModel)
          if (pUModel == null)
          // get the active document of the application
          IDocument iDoc = pUModel.ActiveDocument;
          if (iDoc == null)
          // get the active diagram window
          IDiagramWindow iActiveDiagram = iDoc.ActiveDiagramWindow;
          if (iActiveDiagram == null)
          // get the UML diagram of the diagram window
          IUMLGuiDiagram iUMLDiagram = iActiveDiagram.Diagram;
          // get the CSharp profile
          IUMLProfile iCSharpProfile = (IUMLProfile) iDoc.RootPackage.FindPredefinedOwnedElement(ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_Profile, false);
          if ( iCSharpProfile == null)
              // make all modifications within one UndoStep; start modification here
              if (!iDoc.BeginModification())
              // get top left corner of the visible diagram area
              int nInsertPosX = iActiveDiagram.ScrollPosX;
              int nInsertPosY = iActiveDiagram.ScrollPosY;
              // add new class on diagram
              IUMLGuiNodeLink iClassNode = iUMLDiagram.AddUMLElement("Class", nInsertPosX + 100, nInsertPosY + 100);
              IUMLClass iClass = (IUMLClass) iClassNode.Element;
              // use SetName (instead of Name) that UModel automatically generates a valid, unique name starting with "NewDelegate"
              // set the CSharp 'delegate' stereotype
              iClass.ApplyPredefinedStereotype( ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_delegateStereotypeOfClass );
              // set attribute-section "STAThread"
              IUMLStereotypeApplication iStereotypeApp = iClass.ApplyPredefinedStereotype(ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_attributesStereotypeOfClass);
              IUMLEnumerationLiteral iSTAThread = (IUMLEnumerationLiteral)iCSharpProfile.FindPredefinedOwnedElement(ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_AttributePresetsEnumeration_STAThreadEnumerationLiteral, true);
              iStereotypeApp.SetPredefinedTaggedValueAt(-1, ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_attributesStereotypeOfClass_sectionsProperty, iSTAThread.Name);
              // add delegate operation:
              IUMLOperation iOperation = iClass.InsertOwnedOperationAt(-1);
              iOperation.SetName( "delegate");
              // per default set operation-return type "void"
              IUMLPrimitiveType iTypeVoid = (IUMLPrimitiveType)iCSharpProfile.FindPredefinedOwnedElement(ENUMUMLPredefinedElement.ePredefined_CSharp_voidPrimitiveType, true);
              iOperation.Type = iTypeVoid;
              // do not forget to end modification and finish UndoStep
              // at last focus newly inserted delegate on the diagram:
              iActiveDiagram.SelectGuiElement(iClassNode, true);
          catch( System.Exception )
              // rollback made changes
              // add error handling

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