Edit Markdown in XMLSpy

Native Markdown Support

  • Create and format markdown during development
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Support for tables, raw HTML, etc.
  • Built-in browser for viewing Markdown as HTML
  • Code blocks for Python, CSS, HTML, JS, etc.
  • Markdown tutorial and quick-start guide

Why Choose XMLSpy for Markdown Editing?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for adding formatting to a document using a plain text editor. It provides a straightforward method for adding formatting such as:

  • Headings
  • Bold and italics
  • Strikethrough text
  • Links
  • Ordered and unordered lists
  • Tables
  • Code blocks
  • Images

Integrated support for editing and viewing Markdown documents in XMLSpy makes it easy for developers to compose wikis, documentation, and even blog articles directly in their chosen development environment. Native Markdown support means you no longer need a third-party editor for this type of content.

Developers can compose Markdown in XMLSpy Text View with syntax coloring, then switch to the integrated Browser View to access what is commonly called the Reading View to view the Markdown content as a formatted page (i.e., rendered as HTML).

Native Markdown editor in XMLSpy

Markdown Code Blocks

Markdown is particularly useful for presenting and formatting code snippets within documents, README files, forum posts, Wikis, or any other text-based content.

In the Markdown editor, code blocks are indicated with a triple backtick and, for syntax highlighting, can have a syntax specifier like xml, xquery, html, css, js, cpp, python, etc. Code blocks, such as the HTML snippet shown below, preserve the formatting of the code, including indentation for documentation as well as easy copying.

Code block in XMLSpy Markdown editor

Using the Markdown editor in XMLSpy is a convenient way for developers to work on documentation in the same IDE they use for coding XML, JSON, XSLT, XBRL, and other development tasks.