XBRL Taxonomy Viewer & Editor

Graphical XBRL Taxonomy Editor

  • View, edit, and extend XBRL taxonomies
  • XBRL Taxonomy Manager for installing taxonomies
  • Support for XBRL 2.1 & XBRL Dimensions
  • Context-sensitive XBRL tabs and entry helpers
  • Support for XBRL Taxonomy Packages
  • XBRL validator
  • Generate XBRL Taxonomy documention
  • XBRL Taxonomy Wizard
  • Find-in-XBRL
  • XBRL Formula Editor
  • XBRL Table Linkbase editing and execution

Graphical XBRL View

View XBRL taxonomies with this intuitive graphical representation

The XBRL View in XMLSpy provides a graphical representation of an XBRL Taxonomy that makes it easy to explore and understand its structure.

When you open a taxonomy schema file in XBRL View, the various files in the taxonomy are displayed in a tree structure in the XBRL Overview window, where you can open, validate, and edit the files as necessary.

The Main Window in XBRL View includes five tabs that organize the taxonomy's elements as well as definition, presentation, calculation, and formula relationships. Definition, presentation, calculation, and label linkbases are indicated with informative icons, and these can be opened and viewed and/or edited in XMLSpy's Text View or the graphical Grid View. Saved changes are immediately reflected in the taxonomy displayed in XBRL View. Below the linkbases, the Overview Window lists the imported schemas in the taxonomy.

The Global Elements entry helper window displays the items, tuples, hypercubes, and dimensions present in the taxonomy, and handy buttons let you filter the display based on various criteria, such as type, text, source, and so on. Double clicking any element in the window selects it in the Main Window and displays its configuration in the Details window, where you can easily view and/or edit its properties.

As you are editing an XBRL taxonomy in XBRL view, the Find in XBRL tab and numerous sorting options make finding information in XBRL files, which tend to be rather large and complex, much easier. Learn more about this powerful find-in-XBRL functionality.

With its graphical display of XBRL taxonomy elements, easy-to-understand windows and tabs, and intelligent XBRL editing entry helpers, XMLSpy makes it easy to visualize, edit, and document complex XBRL taxonomies.

Extend XBRL Taxonomies

The XBRL Taxonomy Wizard in XMLSpy gives you a user-friendly way to get started when extending an industry-standard XBRL taxonomy to customize it for your organization.

You simply enter your company name or ticker and select the taxonomy you wish to extend: XMLSpy includes built in support for the standard US-GAAP and IFRS taxonomies. The Taxonomy Wizard then creates and saves the required files and walks you through selecting the entry points of the taxonomy you are extending.

Once you click finish, XMLSpy displays the newly created taxonomy files in the XBRL Viewer, where you can continue editing and refining the taxonomy in a graphical manner. The XBRL Taxonomy Wizard is an invaluable time saver - even if you're new to XBRL.

It's easy to create an XBRL Taxonomy with the wizard in XMLSpy

XBRL Formula Editor

The graphical XBRL Taxonomy Viewer also includes support for XBRL Formula 1.0 validation, editing, and execution. XBRL Formula is often used to provide validation capabilities in addition to those in XBRL 2.1 to enforce specific business rules. Defined using if-then-else XPath expressions, XBRL formulas can be processed to validate the data in an XBRL instance, or to generate a new instance based on calculated data.

The Formula tab of the XBRL Taxonomy editor provides a graphical interface for creating and editing formulas, and the Execute XBRL Formula in the XBRL menu evaluates the formulas and displays the results directly in XMLSpy, either in XML or JSON format.

XBRL Table Linkbase Editor

There is an additional tab in the XBRL Taxonomy editor for defining XBRL Table Linkbases in a graphical manner. The XBRL Table Linkbase specification provides mechanisms for defining the structure of tables used to present and/or edit XBRL instance data that go beyond the standard capabilities of the presentation linkbase. The XBRL Table Linkbase editor allows you to add and define tables and their components using graphical diagrams, context menus, and the Details entry helper window. Tables and components are displayed in an easy-to-understand tree view, where icons indicate the properties of components and the relationships between them.

When an XBRL file includes an XBRL Table Linkbase definition, the Generate Table command in the XBRL Menu allows you to select and render tables in XMLSpy as XML or HTML output.

Watch this demo the XBRL Table Linkbase Editor

Watch this demo of the XBRL Formula Editor

XBRL Taxonomy Manager

Customers using XMLSpy and other XBRL-enabled Altova software often require validation based on a variety of different taxonomies and taxonomy versions.

Given the ever-increasing volume of possible taxonomy choices and frequent updates, we have streamlined this process with a convenient XBRL Taxonomy Manager that provides a centralized way to install and manage XBRL taxonomies for use across all Altova XBRL-enabled applications.

The XBRL Taxonomy Manager allows you to:


  • View XBRL taxonomies installed on your computer and check whether new versions are available for download.
  • Install or uninstall any of the multiple versions of a given taxonomy (or all versions if necessary). Dependent taxonomies are also installed or removed automatically.
  • Download newer versions of XBRL taxonomies as soon as they become available, independently of the Altova product release cycle.


XBRL taxonomies maintained through the XBRL Taxonomy Manager benefit from the XML catalog mechanism that enables URI references in instance or schema documents to be resolved from local files, as opposed to being retrieved from the Internet. This is extremely important in the case of large XBRL taxonomies where schema resolution from remote URIs is not practical or even recommended, mainly for performance reasons.

XBRL Taxonomy Manager

The XBRL Taxonomy Manager will open automatically when you open an XBRL file for which the appropriate taxonomy is not yet installed; you can also invoke it via the Tools menu.