Altova UModel 2025 Professional Edition

Creating, Opening, and Saving Projects

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When you start UModel for the first time, a new project is open automatically. On subsequent runs, UModel will open the most recent project you worked with.


Note:UModel includes several example projects that you can explore in order to learn the modeling basics and the graphical user interface. These can be found at the following path: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Altova\UModel2025\UModelExamples.

To create a new project:

On the File menu, click New (or click the New toolbar button).


A new project with the default name NewProject1 is created. Also, the following packages are automatically added to the project and visible in the Model Tree window.



Component View


These two packages have special use and are the only ones that cannot be renamed, or deleted, as explained in the tutorial, see Forward Engineering (from Model to Code).


Once the project is created, you can add modeling elements to it, such as UML packages and diagrams, see Creating Elements and Creating Diagrams.

To add a new package:

1.Right-click the package under which you want the new package to appear (either Root or Component View in a new project).

2.Select New Element | Package from the context menu.


Be aware that packages, as well as other modeling elements, can also be added from UML diagrams, in which case they will appear in the Model Tree window automatically.

To add a new diagram:

Right-click a package in the Model Tree, and select New Diagram.

To add elements to a diagram:

oDo one of the following:


Right-click the diagram, and select New Element | <Element Kind> from the context menu.

Drag the desired element from the toolbar.


For a worked example of how to create a project and generate program code from it, see Forward Engineering (from Model to Code).

To open an existing project:

On the File menu, click Open, and browse for the .ump project file.


Note:By default, UModel registers any changes made externally to the .ump project file or included file(s), and displays a dialog box asking you to reload the project. This functionality can be disabled from the Tools | Options | File tab.

To save a project:

On the File menu, click Save (or Save as).


All project relevant data is stored in the UModel project file, which has the extension *.ump (UModel Project File).


Note:The *.ump file is an XML file format which can be optionally "prettified" on saving. Pretty-printing can be enabled from the Tools | Options | File tab.

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