Altova UModel 2025 Professional Edition

Setting Up Source Control

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The mechanism for setting up source control and placing files in a UModel project under source control is as follows:


1.If this hasn't been done already, install the source control system (see Supported Source Control Systems ) and set up the source control database (repository) to which you wish to save your work.

2.Create a local workspace folder that will contain the working files that you wish to place under source control. The folder that contains all your workspace folders and files is called the local folder, and the path to the local folder is referred to as the local path. This local folder will be bound to a particular folder in the repository.

3.In your Altova application, create an application project folder to which you must add the files you wish to place under source control. This organization of files in an application project is abstract. The files in a project reference physical files saved locally, preferably in one folder (with sub-folders if required) for each project.

4.In the source control system's database (also referred to as source control or repository), a folder is created that is bound to the local folder. This folder (called the bound folder) will replicate the structure of the local folder so that all files to be placed under source control are correctly located hierarchically within the bound folder. The bound folder is usually created when you add a file or an application project to source control for the first time.


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