Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

The listing below shows how to listen for and use events.



01 // The following lines attach to the document events using a default implementation

02 // for the events and override one of its methods.

03 // If you want to override all document events it is better to derive your listener class

04 // from DocumentEvents and implement all methods of this interface.

05 Document doc = stylevision.getActiveDocument();

06 doc.addListener(new DocumentEventsDefaultHandler()

07 {

08   @Override

09   public void onDocumentClosed(Document i_ipDoc) throws AutomationException

10   {

11     System.out.println("Document " + i_ipDoc.getName() + " requested closing.");

12   }

13 });

14 doc.close();

15 doc = null;


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