Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

The Scripting Editor consists of the following parts:



Project pane

Properties pane

Main window



The scripting project is saved when you save the .sps file of which the scripting project is part of. The Save button illustrated above creates only a temporary in-memory copy.



The toolbar includes  the Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) commands and editor commands (Copy, Cut, Delete, Paste). When editing source code, the Find and Replace commands are additionally available, as well as the Print command.


Project pane

The project pane helps you view and manage the structure of the project. A scripting project consists of several components that can work together and may be created in any order:


A "Global Declarations" script. As the name suggests, this script stores information available globally across the project. You can declare in this script any variables or functions that you need to be available in all forms, event handler scripts, and macros.

Forms. Forms are typically necessary to collect user input, or provide some informative dialog boxes. A form is invoked by a call to it either within a function (in the Global Declarations script) or directly in a macro.

Events. The "Events" folder displays StyleVision application events provided by the COM API. To write a script that will be executed when an event occurs, double-click any event, and then type the handling code in the editor. The application events should not be confused with form events; the latter are handled at form level, as further detailed below.

Macros. A macro is a script that can be invoked either on demand from a context menu or be executed automatically when StyleVision starts. Macros do not have parameters or return values. A macro can access all variables and functions declared in the Global Declarations script and it can also display forms.


Right-click any of the components to see the available context menu commands and their shortcuts. Double-click any file (such as a form or a script) to open it in the main window.

The toolbar buttons provide the following quick commands:



New macro

Adds a new macro to the project, in the Macros directory.


New form

Adds a new form to the project, in the Forms directory.


Properties pane

The Properties pane is very similar to the one in Visual Studio. It displays the following:


Form properties, when a form is selected

Object properties, when an object in a form is selected

Form events, when a form is selected

Object events, when an object in a form is selected


To switch between the properties and events of the selected component, click the Properties scr_ic_properties or Events scr_ic_events buttons, respectively.


The Categorized scr_ic_categorized and Alphabetical scr_ic_alphabetical icons display the properties or events either organized by category or organized in ascending alphabetical order.


When a property or event is selected, a short description of it is displayed at the bottom of the Properties pane.


Main window

The main window is the working area where you can enter source code or modify the design of the form. When editing forms, you can work in two tabs: the Design tab and the Source tab. The Design tab shows the layout of the form, while the Source tab contains the source code such as handler methods for the form events.


The source code editor provides code editing aids such as syntax coloring, source code folding, highlighting of starting and ending braces, zooming, autocompletion suggestions, bookmarks.


Autocompletion suggestions

JScript and VBScript are untyped languages, so autocompletion is limited to COM API names and StyleVision built-in commands. The full method or property signature is shown next to the autocompletion entry helper.



Placing the mouse over a known method or property displays its signature (and documentation if available), for example:

The auto-completion entry helper is normally shown automatically during editing, but it can also be obtained on demand by pressing Ctrl+Space.



To set or remove a bookmark, click inside a line, and then press Ctrl+F2

To navigate to the next bookmark, press F2

To navigate to the previous bookmark, press Shift+F2

To delete all bookmarks, press Ctrl+Shift+F2


Zooming in/out

To zoom in or out, hold the Ctrl key pressed and then press the "+" or "-" keys or rotate the mouse wheel.


Text view settings

To trigger text settings, right-click inside the editor, and select Text View Settings from the context menu.


Font settings

To change the font, right-click inside the editor, and select Text View Font from the context menu.



The Toolbox contains all the objects that are available for designing forms, such as buttons, text boxes, combo boxes, and so on.

To add a Toolbox item to a form:

1.Create or open a form and make sure that the Design tab is selected.

2.Click the Toolbox object (for example, Button), and then click at the location in the form where you wish to insert it. Alternatively, drag the object directly onto the form.


Some objects such as Timer are not added to the Form but are created in a tray at the bottom of the main window. You can select the object in the tray and set properties and event handlers for the object from the Properties pane. For an example of handling tray components from the code, see Handling form events.


You can also add registered ActiveX controls to the form. To do this, right-click the Toolbox area and select Add ActiveX Control from the context menu.

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