Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

Add Table Headers, Footers

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Table headers can appear as a header row (above the table body) or as a header column (to the left of the table body, though markup-wise a header column might be placed inside the table body). Similarly, table footers can appear as a footer row (below the table body) or as a footer column (to the right of the table body, though markup-wise a footer might be placed inside the table body).


Note:In the HTML output since table headers are enclosed in th elements, they appear bold (because the bold formatting is inherent in the th element).


The Add Table Header and Add Table Footer commands add table headers and footers as columns and rows, as follows:



Add Table Header Column:

Adds a header column to the left of the table body.


Add Table Footer Column:

Adds a footer column to the right of the table body.


Add Table Header Row:

Adds a header row above the table body.


Add Table Footer Row:

Adds a footer row below the table body.


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