Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

The Authentic Preview provides you with menu commands, toolbar icons, and context menus with which to edit the XML document that is displayed in the Main Window.


Menu bar

The menus available in the menu bar are described in detail in the User Reference section of your product documentation.



The symbols and icons displayed in the toolbar are described in the section, Authentic View toolbar icons.


Main window

This is the window in which the Working XML document is displayed and edited. It is described in the section, Authentic View main window.


Status Bar

The Status Bar displays the XPath to the currently selected node. In the Authentic Preview of StyleVision, the XPath to the currently selected node is indicated in the Schema Tree, where the currently selected node is highlighted in gray. The XPath in Authentic Preview is not displayed in a status bar.


Context menus

These are the menus that appear when you right-click in the Main Window. The available commands are context-sensitive editing commands, i.e. they allow you to manipulate structure and content relevant to the selected node. Such manipulations include inserting, appending, or deleting a node, adding entities, or cutting and pasting content.


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