Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

There are three Output View tabs, one each for HTML, RTF, and Text outputs. Each output view tab (illustration below) displays: (i) the XSLT stylesheet for that output; and (ii) a preview of the output produced by transforming the Working XML File with the XSLT stylesheet.


Note:In order for the different views to work correctly, you will need to install programs relevant to each view as described in the section Setting up StyleVision.


Note:You can also split the Main Window to show the design in one half and the outputs in the other half. See Splitt


In an Output View tab, the view can be switched between the XSLT stylesheet and the output preview by clicking the dropdown button in the Output View tab and selecting the XSLT option or the output preview option as required.




XSLT view

The XSLT view displays the XSLT stylesheet generated for that output format from the currently active SPS. The stylesheet is generated afresh each time the XSLT view is selected.


A stylesheet in an Output View tab is displayed with line-numbering and expandable/collapsible elements; click the + and – icons in the left margin to expand/collapse elements. The stylesheet in XSLT view cannot be edited, but can be searched (select Edit | Find) and text from it can be copied to the clipboard (with Edit | Copy).


Note: The XSLT stylesheets generated from the SPS can be separately generated and saved using the File | Save Generated Files command.


Output preview

The Output preview displays the output produced by transforming the Working XML File with the XSLT stylesheet for that output format. The output is generated afresh each time the Output preview tab is clicked. Note that it is the saved version of the Working XML File that is transformednot the temporary version that is edited with Authentic View. This means that any modifications made in Authentic View will be reflected in the Output preview only after these modifications have been saved to the Working XML File (File | Save Authentic XML Data).


If no Working XML File is assigned when the Output preview is selected in the Output View tab, you will be prompted to assign a Working XML File. For DB-based SPSs, there is no need to assign a Working XML File since a temporary non-editable XML file is automatically generated when the DB is loaded and this XML file is used as the Working XML File.


Note: The output files generated from the SPS can be separately generated and saved using the File | Save Generated Files command.


Output Preview

The Output Preview feature enables you to view the design or Authentic View in the left pane and preview the output in the right pane. This enables you to preview output even as you design and to then modify your design accordingly—not only in terms of presentation but also in terms of content.


You can click the Output Preview icon (circled red in the screenshot below) to split the Main Window into two vertical panes: (i) Design View or Authentic View in the left pane and (ii) Output Previews in the right pane. The Output Preview icon (see screenshot below) is located at the bottom left of the Main Window. In either pane, select the view you want by clicking its tab at the bottom of the pane (Design View or Authentic View in the left pane; the output preview in the right pane). To switch off Output Preview, click the Output Preview icon again.


In the output-previews pane:


Click the icon at extreme left to regenerate the currently selected output preview.

Click the icon at extreme right to toggle between vertical and horizontal output previews.



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