Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

The procedure outlined below sets up your local host to serve an ASPX application. For more information, see the file Readme.doc in the ASPX application folder. This folder and file are generated when you select the command File | Web Design | Generate ASPX Web Application with an SPS file active.


Install RaptorXML

Make sure that the latest version of RaptorXML is installed. RaptorXML contains Altova's transformation engine. It will be used to transform the (DB-generated) XML file.


Activate Internet Information Services (Microsoft’s web server)

If Internet Information Services (IIS) is not activated, carry out the steps below to activate it. Step 5 shows how to test whether IIS has been activated.


1.Go to Control Panel | Programs and Features | Turn Windows features on or off.

2.Set the Internet Information Services checkbox. The tri-state checkbox will change to Partly checked.

3.Additionally, set the Internet Information Services | World Wide Web Services | Application Development Features | ASP.NET checkbox.

4.Click OK. When the process is complete, you will have a folder named C:/inetpub/wwwroot. This is the web server’s root folder.

5.As a test, go to localhost in a browser. This will display the IIS welcome screen


In StyleVision, generate the ASPX application

Generate the ASPX application as follows:


1.It is recommended that the database and the SPS file be in the same folder.

2.After the SPS file has been completed, issue the command Files | Web Design | Generate ASPX Web Application.

3.In the dialog that opens, create a folder below C:/inetpub/wwwroot and select that folder, for example: C:/inetpub/wwwroot/Test1.

4.On confirming your folder selection, StyleVision will generate the following files in it: <FileName>.aspx, <FileName>_AltovaDataBaseExtractor.cs, Web.config, and a folder App_Code containing the various files.


Note:In order to save files to C:/inetpub/wwwroot you will need to run StyleVision as an administrator. Do this by restarting StyleVision. Right-click the StyleVision executable file or a shortcut to it and select Run as Administrator.


Make ASPX aware of the generated application

Carry out the following steps to make ASPX aware of the application you have generated with StyleVision:


1.Go to Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2.In the Connections panel, expand the tree to display the folder (for example, Test1). The folder’s icon will be a standard yellow folder at this point.

3.In the folder’s context menu, issue the command Convert to Application, then click OK in the dialog. The folder’s icon will now be a globe.

4.In the Connections panel, expand the tree to display Application Pool and select this.

5.In the context menu for DefaultAppPool (available in the main pane when you select the Application Pools item in the Connections pane), select the command Advanced Settings.

6.For the Identity property, select Custom account and enter your Windows user name and password.

7.For the Enable 32-Bit Applications property, enter True. (This is so the database drivers have access). This step applies only to 64-bit versions of Windows 7.


Run the application

In the browser, go to localhost/Test1/<FileName>.aspx (assuming Test1 is the name of the folder in which the ASPX application has been saved). The transformed HTML will be displayed in the browser. Refreshing this ASPX page will cause the latest data from the database or XML file to be displayed.


Note:If the browser hangs at this point, make sure that the RaptorXML is correctly licensed.



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