Altova MapForce 2024 Professional Edition

Version 2020 Release 2


A new Manage Libraries window is available that enables you to view and manage all function libraries imported at document and at program level (this includes MapForce user-defined functions and other kinds of libraries). This makes it possible, for example, to easily copy-paste user-defined functions from one mapping to another, see Copy-Pasting UDFs Between Mappings.

When a mapping file imports libraries, the path of imported library files is relative to the mapping file by default, see Relative Library Paths. You can still import mappings at application level, like in previous releases, but in this case the library path is always absolute.

If a mapping file imports XSLT or XQuery libraries, you can generate XSLT or XQuery code that references the imported library files using a relative path. The new option is available in the Mapping Settings dialog box.

The MapForce API has been enhanced with new members that enable you to manage imported libraries programmatically (for example, add or remove them).

Code generated for XML schema wrapper libraries now provides more control over element namespaces and prefixes. New methods are available to declare or override namespaces for an element, or to append an element with a prefixed namespace. See Example: Purchase Order.

New database versions are supported: PostgreSQL 12.1 and Informix 14.10.

Internal updates and optimizations


Version 2020


Support for Visual Studio 2019 in the MapForce Plug-in for Visual Studio and code generation.

Support for Eclipse 4.9 - 4.12, see MapForce Plug-in for Eclipse.

If an Oracle package contains public stored procedures or functions, those are also available to the mapping, see Adding Stored Procedures to the Mapping.

You can configure a database component so that database object names are treated as relative to the default schema, not bound to a particular schema. This helps save time if you need to switch to a different database in future, see Switching Databases and Schemas.

You can deploy Global Resources created in MapForce to FlowForce Server, see Deploying Global Resources to FlowForce Server.

When replacing values with the help of a look-up table, you can paste tabular data (key-value pairs) from external sources such as CSV or Excel into the mapping. Also, it is easier to handle cases when a value is not found in the predefined look-up table—processing such values no longer requires the use of substitute-missing function. See Using Value-Maps.

Internal updates and optimizations


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