RecordsManager Demos

See how RecordsManager works in these demo videos and animations.

Start Here: RecordsManager AI Assistant

Length: 01:24 (mm:ss)

Create a Database App with AI

Go from idea to database – in seconds.

See how easy it is to create a custom database solution using the RecordsManager AI Assistant.

Visual, No-Code App Design Tools

Length: 08:23 (mm:ss)

Visual App Development Tools

After creating your database with AI, use the visual tools in RecordsManager to finalize your app or enterprise solution.

To explore the restaurants database app created in this video, follow the instructions here.

Sample Databases

When you start RecordsManager in MobileTogether Designer, you have the option to explore and/or modify a number of sample database apps. First, start RecordsManager by selecting Run RecordsManager from the Run menu in MobileTogether Designer. Then, click Load Sample Database and select a pre-built sample app. To access the databases created behind the scenes by RecordsManager, visit the RecordsManager Databases page. The Restaurants database created in the RecordsManager demo video is also available to download.

Get Started with RecordsManager

RecordsManager is a free, pre-built MobileTogether solution that is available for you to start using when you install MobileTogether Designer. Use the link below to download and install the free Altova MobileTogether Designer to get started on your first RecordsManager app.