XPath/XQuery insert-before function


Returns a sequence constructed by inserting an item or a sequence of items at a given position within an existing sequence.


$target as item()*,
$position as xs:integer,
$inserts as item()*
) as item()*


This function is deterministic, context-independent, and focus-independent.


The value returned by the function consists of all items of $target whose index is less than $position, followed by all items of $inserts, followed by the remaining elements of $target, in that order.


let $abc := ("a", "b", "c")

The expression fn:insert-before($abc, 0, "z") returns ("z", "a", "b", "c").

The expression fn:insert-before($abc, 1, "z") returns ("z", "a", "b", "c").

The expression fn:insert-before($abc, 2, "z") returns ("a", "z", "b", "c").

The expression fn:insert-before($abc, 3, "z") returns ("a", "b", "z", "c").

The expression fn:insert-before($abc, 4, "z") returns ("a", "b", "c", "z").


If $target is the empty sequence, $inserts is returned. If $inserts is the empty sequence, $target is returned.

If $position is less than one (1), the first position, the effective value of $position is one (1). If $position is greater than the number of items in $target, then the effective value of $position is equal to the number of items in $target plus 1.

The value of $target is not affected by the sequence construction.