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La recherche sur site d'Altova a trouvé 200 documents qui correspondent à votre requête en anglais pour 'xpath':

Documents 131 à 140 de 200

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fn:parse-json - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery parse-json function...Summary...Parses a string supplied in the form of a JSON text, returning the results typically in the form of a map or array. Signatures...fn:parse-json (...) as...
fn:transform - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
The following example loads a stylesheet from the location render.xsl , applies it to a document loaded from test.xml , and uses an XPath expression to examine the result:...let $result :=...
XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.1 | Altova
Select a function or operator below for information on its properties and rules as well as real-world examples of the function in use. These functions are used in XPath 3.1, XQuery 3.1, and...
fn:default-collation - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
The default collation property can never be absent. If it is not explicitly defined, a system defined default can be invoked. If this is not provided, the Unicode codepoint collation (...
fn:exactly-one - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
......XPath/XQuery exactly-one function...Summary...Returns $arg if it contains exactly one item. Otherwise, raises an error. Signature...fn:exactly-one (...$arg as item()*...) as item()...Properties
op:numeric-equal - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery numeric-equal function...Summary...Returns true if and only if the value of $arg1 is equal to the value of $arg2 . Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "eq" operator when...
map:size - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery size function...Summary...Returns the number of entries in the supplied map. (...$map as map(*)...) as xs:integer...Properties...This function is deterministic,...
array:get - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
......XPath/XQuery get function...Summary...Returns the value at the specified position in the supplied array (counting from 1). Signature...array:get (...$array as array(*) , $position as xs:integer
op:hexBinary-equal - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery hexBinary-equal function...Summary...Returns true if two xs:hexBinary values contain the same octet sequence. Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "eq" and "ne" operators...
op:boolean-equal - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery boolean-equal function...Summary...Returns true if the two arguments are the same boolean value. Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "eq" operator when applied to two...
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