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Altova Site Search has found 200 documents that match your query in English for 'xpath':

Documents 121 to 130 of 200

Result Section
array:sort - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery sort function...Summary...Returns an array containing all the members of the supplied array, sorted according to the value of a sort key supplied as a function. Signatures...$array as...
fn:resolve-uri - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery resolve-uri function...Summary...Resolves a relative IRI reference against an absolute IRI. Signatures...fn:resolve-uri (...$relative as xs:string?...) as xs:anyURI?...fn:resolve-uri...
fn:min - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery min function...Summary...Returns a value that is equal to the lowest value appearing in the input sequence. Signatures...fn:min (...$arg as xs:anyAtomicType*...) as xs:anyAtomicType?
fn:error - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery error function...Summary...Calling the fn:error function raises an application-defined error. Signatures...fn:error (...) as none...fn:error (...$code as xs:QName?...) as none...$code...
fn:max - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery max function...Summary...Returns a value that is equal to the highest value appearing in the input sequence. Signatures...fn:max (...$arg as xs:anyAtomicType*...) as xs:anyAtomicType?
fn:tokenize - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery tokenize function...Summary...Returns a sequence of strings constructed by splitting the input wherever a separator is found; the separator is any substring that matches a given...
op:same-key - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery same-key function...Summary...Determines whether two atomic values can coexist as separate keys within a map. Signature...op:same-key (...$k1 as xs:anyAtomicType , $k2 as...
fn:parse-json - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery parse-json function...Summary...Parses a string supplied in the form of a JSON text, returning the results typically in the form of a map or array. Signatures...fn:parse-json (...) as...
fn:transform - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
The following example loads a stylesheet from the location render.xsl , applies it to a document loaded from test.xml , and uses an XPath expression to examine the result:...let $result :=...
XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.1 | Altova
Select a function or operator below for information on its properties and rules as well as real-world examples of the function in use. These functions are used in XPath 3.1, XQuery 3.1, and...
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