Altova DatabaseSpy 2024 Enterprise Edition

Altova Global Resources

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Altova Global Resources are aliases for file, folder, and database resources. Each alias can have multiple configurations, and each configuration maps to a single resource. Therefore, when you use a global resource, you can switch between its configurations. For example, you could create a database resource with two configurations: development and production. Depending on your goals, you can switch between these configurations. In DatabaseSpy, you can switch between the development and production databases by choosing the desired configuration from the drop-down list.


Global resources can be used across different Altova applications (see subsection below).


Global resources in other Altova products

When stored as global resources, files, folders, and database connection details become reusable across multiple Altova applications. For example, if you often need to open the same file in multiple Altova desktop applications, you can define this file as a global resource. If you need to change the file path, you will need to change it only in one place. Currently, global resources can be defined and used in the following Altova products:


Altova Authentic


MobileTogether Designer




FlowForce Server

MapForce Server

RaptorXML Server/RaptorXML+XBRL Server

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