Altova DatabaseSpy 2024 Enterprise Edition

The Global Resources XML File

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By default, all Global Resources, regardless of the Altova application where they were created, are stored at the following path: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Altova\GlobalResources.xml. This makes them transparent, easy to backup, as well as portable to other workstations where Altova products are installed. It is also possible to rename or duplicate the GlobalResources.xml file and thus create multiple Global Resource files. However, only one Global Resource file can be active at a time in an Altova application.


Unlike other Altova applications, FlowForce Server does not work with global resource files. Instead, resources are managed like other FlowForce configuration data (they are reusable objects with access permissions).

To set up the active Global Resource file:

1.On the Tools menu, click Global Resources. (Alternatively, click the Global Resource _ic_global_resource toolbar button.)

2.Click Browse and select the required Global Resource XML file.


If you are using multiple Global Resource files, make sure that the currently active file contains all Global Resources required by the current context.

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