Altova DatabaseSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

The AI Chat-Dialog command opens the AI-Assistant dialog, in which you can ask for assistance from ChatGPT or Azure Open AI for your work in DatabaseSpy. Note that, in order to use the AI-Assistant, you must create ChatGPT or Azure Open AI account and enter you account details in the AI-Assistant section of DatabaseSpy's Options dialog.


The AI-Assistant works as follows:


Type your request in the input field at the bottom of the dialog and click Send. (Alternatively, you can select a sample request in the combo box. This request will be entered in the input field, where you can modify it before sending.)

The response from the AI will be displayed in the dialog's main pane.

You can send additional requests, and these, followed by the respective responses from the AI, will be appended to the chat history in the main pane.

You can start an additional chat by clicking the + icon to the right of the chat tab/s at the top of the main pane. The new chat will be opened in its own tab.

You can copy a response (by clicking it in its tab) or a part of a response (by selecting the part you want) either to the clipboard or to a new file. Click the respective command icon (Copy to clipboard or Create new file) in the toolbar of the dialog. You can also use regular Windows command shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard.

To close a chat, click the X icon in the chat's tab header.


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