Viewing XML Schemas
In the Online Browser, all XML schemas belonging to particular database schema are displayed in the "XML Schemas" folder.

If an XML schema has dependencies, the dependent schemas are displayed in a new "XML Schemas" folder nested under the parent schema.
All the XML schemas assigned to an XML column are displayed in the Online Browser in an "XML Schemas" sub-folder below the respective column. This way, you can see at a glance which XML schemas are used to validate the content of a particular XML column in the database.

The properties of XML schemas can be viewed and—where possible—edited in the Properties window.

Editing a property (for example "Description") generates a script in the Database Structure Change Script Window. To update the database, click the Execute the Generated SQL Change Script button.
Viewing XML schemas in XMLSpy
If Altova XMLSpy Editor ( is installed on your PC, you can open an XML schema in XMLSpy, as follows:
•In the Online Browser, right-click a schema from the "XML Schemas" folder and select View in XMLSpy from the context menu.
•In the Online Browser, right-click a schema and select Manage XML schemas from the context menu. In the dialog box that opens, select a schema and click the View Schema button.