Altova SchemaAgent 2024

When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of a file or a connector line in a Design window, SchemaAgent displays a Quick Info box with details such as file location, target namespace, IIR information, and so on. The type and amount of information displayed in a Quick Info box depends on the object being under the focus of the mouse pointer.


A Quick Info box is provided for the following objects:


Schema boxes

Schemas contained in the individual sections of other schema boxes

MapForce design file boxes

Schemas contained in the Input or Output section of .mfd file boxes

XML instances

IIR connector lines

MapForce connector lines

Component relation connectors

References to XML instances


Note:The Quick Info box displays IIR information as determined in the search path.


Placing the text cursor over an alert ic_alert icon, if visible in the file box, opens the relevant error message in the Quick Info box.



When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of a schema box, a Quick Info box containing the following information is displayed:


Location of the schema

Target namespace and prefix

IIR information about the schema, for example, what schemas are included in that schema, and in which schemas that schema is included itself.


When you have expanded a schema box and move the mouse pointer over the file name of an included, imported, or redefined external schema, the Quick Info box displays the following information about the external schema:


Location of the schema

Target namespace and prefix


MapForce design files

When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of an .mfd box, a Quick Info box containing the following information is displayed:


Location of the file

Source file(s)

Target file(s)


When you move the mouse pointer over the file name of a schema contained in the .mfd file, the Quick Info box displays the following information:


Location of the schema


XML instances

When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of an XML instance file box, a Quick Info box containing the following information is displayed:


Location of the XML file

Referenced file(s)

Files writing the XML instance, if applicable

Files reading the XML instance, if applicable


XSLT stylesheets

When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of an XSLT stylesheet box, a Quick Info box containing the following information is displayed:


Location of the XSLT file

XSL version

Imported XSLT files

Included XSLT files

Imported XML schemas

Files containing the XSLT file

Inline schemas contained in the XSLT file


Web Service Description files

When you move the mouse pointer over the title bar of a WSDL file box, a Quick Info box containing the following information is displayed:


Location of the WSDL file

WSDL version

Target namespace

Imported WSDL files

Imported XML schemas

Files containing the WSDL file

Files reading the WSDL file

Inline schemas contained in the WSDL file



When connector lines between schemas, .mfd files, XML instances, or components and their respective source or target item are highlighted, a Quick Info box is displayed. The content of the Quick Info box differs depending on the type of the highlighted connector.


The following is displayed for relations:


Type (Import, Include, Redefine, MapForce, or Reference)




When you move the mouse pointer over a component relation, the Quick Info box contains information regarding the input component the MapForce item reads from, or the MapForce item the output component is written by, respectively.

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