Altova DatabaseSpy 2025 Professional Edition

Arranging the Information Windows

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All information windows can be docked/undocked by double-clicking the title bar. When docked, the auto-hide feature can be activated by clicking the drawing-pin icon in the title bar. When auto-hidden, the window is minimized as a tab at an edge of the application window. An auto-hidden window can be re-docked by rolling it out from the edge (by mousing over its tab) and clicking the drawing-pin icon in the title bar. When you click the little arrow that is located to the right of a data source connection or favorite item and shows the respective object in the Online Browser, DatabaseSpy will automatically hide the Project window and roll out the Online Browser to display the object.


Context Menu

The context menu can be accessed by right-clicking a window tab or title bar.

Context menu for windows

Click the required option to cause that window to float, be docked, or be auto-hidden or hidden.



You can drag a window by its tab or title bar and place it at a desired location. Additionally, you can dock the window in another window or in the interface using placement controls that appear when you drag a window:


When you drag a window over another window, a placement control appears. This control is divided into five placement sectors. Releasing the mouse key on any of these sectors docks the dragged window into the respective sector of the target window. The four arrow sectors dock the dragged window into the respective sides of the target window. The center button docks the dragged window as a tab of the target window. You can also dock a window as a tab in another window by dragging it to the tab bar and dropping it there.

Placement control for side and bottom windows

When you drag a window, a placement control consisting of four arrows appears. Each arrow corresponds to one side of the window. Releasing a dragged window over one of these arrows docks the window to that side.

Placement control for Editor and Comparison windows

You can also double-click the title bar of a window to toggle it between its docked and floating positions.

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