Altova UModel 2025 Enterprise Edition

Customizing Output with StyleVision

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You can customize the design of UModel-generated documentation with the help of StyleVision Power Stylesheet (.sps) files. Such files are created in Altova StyleVision ( The advantage of using an .sps file is that you have complete control over the design of the documentation. In addition, PDF output is available if an .sps file is used.


To generate documentation with .sps files, Altova StyleVision must be installed and licensed.


UModel includes a predefined .sps file, which is available at the following path: C:\users\<username\Documents\UModel2025\Documentation\UModel\UModelDocumentation.sps. To format the generated documentation using a custom .sps file, select this option while generating documentation, for example:


You can begin the customization by creating a copy of the default UModelDocumentation.sps and editing it in StyleVision. For example, you can change the existing formatting or add links and images to the design.


Any StyleVision Power Stylesheet is based on an XML Schema. In case of stylesheets that control the design of UModel-generated documentation, this schema is available at the following path: C:\users\<username\Documents\UModel2025\Documentation\UModel\UModelDocumentation.xsd. Note that the UModelDocumentation.xsd file references the Documentation.xsd file located in the folder above it.


When you author custom .sps files in StyleVision for UModel documentation, the UModelDocumentation.xsd file must be used as a schema. The image below illustrates the Design Overview window of StyleVison after you open the UModelDocumentation.sps file. Notice that it uses the UModelDocumentation.xsd schema file, and a working XML required to preview the design. The working XML file is available in the SampleData subfolder relative to the schema file.


For instructions about how to edit .sps files, refer to the StyleVision documentation (

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