The UModel Perspective
After you install the UModel plug-in for Eclipse, a new perspective ("UModel") becomes available in Eclipse. By default, the UModel perspective resembles to some extent the graphical user interface of the standalone version of UModel. To switch to the UModel perspective, click Window | Perspective | Open Perspective | Other, and choose UModel from the list. The image below illustrates a sample UModel project (BankView.ump) loaded into Eclipse, with the UModel perspective switched on.

The UModel perspective in Eclipse is organized as follows:
•The Diagram window is available as an Eclipse editor. Like in the standalone version, when there are multiple diagrams open, they are shown in individual editors.
•All of the following UModel windows are available as Eclipse views (by default, to the left of the main editor):
oDiagram Tree
•Finally, the Messages window is also available as an Eclipse view (by default, under the main editor).
The UModel perspective behaves just like any other Eclipse perspective—you can switch to it whenever required using the menu command Window | Navigation | Next Perspective.
To configure the settings applicable to the UModel perspective:
1.On the Window menu, click Preferences.
2.On the Preferences dialog box, select UModel.

To customize the appearance of the UModel perspective (toolbar visibility, menu visibility, and so on), switch to the UModel perspective, and then select the menu command Window | Perspective | Customize Perspective. To revert to the default settings, select Window | Perspective| Reset Perspective.
To display a particular view in the UModel perspective, switch to the UModel perspective, and then select the required view from the Window | Show View menu.
For general information about Eclipse perspectives, refer to the Eclipse documentation.