Altova DiffDog 2025 Enterprise Edition

The DiffDog interface displays multiple File Comparison windows, Directory Comparison windows, Word Comparison Windows, Database Data Comparison windows, Database Schema Comparison windows, and XML Schema Comparison windows within the DiffDog application window. The schematic diagrams below illustrate the main parts of the interface. They are accompanied by a brief description of the various interface parts.


The Database Data, Database Schema, and XML Schema Comparison windows look slightly different than the File Comparison and Directory Comparison windows. They consist of only one pane which has a left and a right component that serve for the selection of the data sources and tables for the database or XML Schema comparison.



Title Bar

The Title Bar displays the application name (i.e., DiffDog) followed by the name of the active File Comparison window, Directory Comparison window, Word Comparison window, XML Schema Comparison window, Database Schema Comparison window, or Database Data Comparison window. At the right-hand side are buttons to minimize, reduce or maximize, and close the DiffDog application window.


Menu Bar and Toolbars

The Menu Bar displays the menus. Each toolbar displays a group of icons for DiffDog commands. You can reposition the menu bar and toolbars by dragging their handles to the desired locations. At the right-hand side are buttons to minimize, reduce or maximize, and close the active comparison window.


File/Directory/Microsoft Word/XML Schema/Database Schema/Database Data Comparison Window

Multiple File Comparison windows and/or Directory Comparison windows and/or Word Comparison windows and/or Database Data Comparison windows and/or Database Schema Comparison windows and/or XML Schema Comparison windows can be open at a time, but only one of them is active. The name of the active comparison window appears in the title bar and its name tab (at the bottom of the DiffDog application window) is highlighted and the name itself is displayed in bold; the name tabs of the other open comparison windows are grayed out and the names are displayed in normal font. To make another comparison window the active comparison window, click its name tab.


Each comparison window (file/Microsoft Word or directory) has two panes of equal width arranged side-by-side and a status bar for that comparison window below the two panes. Above each pane is a file/directory selection area. This consists of a combo box, where you can enter the name of the file/directory to be compared, or select a previously opened file or directory from the drop-down menu. The buttons to the right of this area allow you to browse for files or directories, and to open files, save files and refresh files. The file and directory that is opened in each pane can therefore be opened independently of the file or directory in the other pane. Once a file/directory has been opened in both panes of a comparison window, a comparison can be made.


In Directory Comparison windows, directories are displayed as trees, the levels of which can be expanded/collapsed by double-clicking on a directory-level. Additionally, the width of individual columns can be adjusted by dragging borders to the desired width. In File Comparison windows, the view of the document can be customized using commands in the View and Text View menus.


In XML Schema Comparison windows, XML Schemas are selected in two components that are displayed in one pane of the comparison window. Each component has a title bar displaying the file name of the XML Schema that is currently loaded into the component, and a browse button that opens the Windows Open dialog box where the XML Schemas for the left and right comparison component can be selected or changed. The width of a component can be adjusted by dragging the handle in the lower right corner of the component. The elements inside a component are displayed as trees. By double-clicking on an element or clicking the plus symbol next to an element name, the element can be expanded to show the child elements. Elements that are mapped to their respective counterparts in the other components are connected by connector lines. These mappings can be selected, deleted, or dragged to other tables/columns using the mouse.


In database comparison windows (schema or data), data sources and tables are selected in two components that are displayed in one pane of the comparison window. Each component has a title bar displaying the data source the component is currently connected to, and a browse button that opens the Select Tables for Data Comparison dialog box where the data sources and tables for the left and right comparison component can be selected or changed. The width of a component can be adjusted by dragging the handle in the lower right corner of the component. The tables and columns inside a component are displayed as trees. By double-clicking on a table or clicking the plus symbol next to a table name, the table can be expanded to show the table columns. Tables and columns that are mapped to their respective counterparts in the other components are connected by connector lines. These mappings can be selected, deleted, or dragged to other tables/columns using the mouse.


Comparison Window Status Bar

The status bar of a file/Microsoft Word or directory comparison window indicates the status of that comparison. If files or directories have not been opened, this is indicated. If a comparison has been made, the type of comparison is reported along with the result of the comparison. The comparison window status bar is not available in XML Schema comparison windows, database data comparison windows, database data comparison windows, and should not be confused with the application status bar.


Application Status Bar

The application status bar appears at the bottom of the application window, and shows application-level information. The most useful of this information are the tooltips that are displayed here when you mouseover a toolbar icon. The application status bar should not be confused with the comparison window status bar. If you are using the 64-bit version of DiffDog, this is indicated in the status bar with the suffix (x64) after the application name. There is no suffix for the 32-bit version.


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