Altova UModel 2025

The following JScript sample, when running for the first time, reverse engineers all UModel API C# samples found in the ..\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn directory and creates HTML and RTF documentation as well as an XMI export of the UModel project. The resulting UMP files, as well as the generated documentation output, are saved to the ..\UModelExamples\API\JScript\UpdateDocumentation directory. On subsequent runs, it opens the previously generated UModel project files, and creates HTML and RTF documentation, as well as XMI export, provided that something has changed in the UML model.


This code is available in the sample file ..\UModelExamples\API\JScript\UModelUpdateDocumentation.js (see Example Files).


// ###########################################
// access runing UModel.Application or
// launch new one and access it
// ############################################
// ############################################
// UpdateDocumentation sample
// *) When running the first time (= when no UMP file exists), reverse engineer all C# UModelAPI samples
//    and create HTML and RTF documentation, make XMI export and save UMP file
// *) when UMP file already exists, open it and synchronize model from code
//    create HTML and RTF documentation and XMI export only if something has been changed (listen to all different UML data events)
// ############################################
var bRunVisible = true;
var bShowDialogs = bRunVisible && false;
// //////////// global variables /////////////////
var objUModel   = null;
var objWshShell = null;
var objFSO      = null;
var bChangedAnything = false;
var nAddedClasses   = 0;
var nAddedInterfaces= 0;
var nAddedProperties= 0;
var nAddedOperations= 0;
// /////////////////////// Helpers //////////////////////////////
function Exit(strErrorText)
  if (objUModel != null)
function CreateGlobalObjects ()
  // the Shell and FileSystemObject of the windows scripting host often always useful
     objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
     objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
     Exit("Can't create WScript.Shell object");
  // create the UModel connection
  // if there is a running instance of UModel (that never had a connection) - use it
  // otherwise, we automatically create a new instance
  try {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel.Application");   }
  catch(err) {}
  if( typeof( objUModel ) == "undefined" )
    try   {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel_x64.Application")   }
        objUModel = null;
        Exit( "Can't access or create UModel.Application" );
// /////////////////////// get different filepathes / ensure folders are created  //////////////////////////////
function GetScriptPath()
  var path = objUModel.PersonalDataDirectory + "\\UModelExamples\\API\\JScript\\UpdateDocumentation";
  if ( !objFSO.FolderExists( path ) )
     objFSO.CreateFolder( path );
  return path;
function GetFilePath( subdir, filename )
  var path = objFSO.BuildPath( GetScriptPath(), subdir );
  if ( !objFSO.FolderExists( path ) )
     objFSO.CreateFolder( path );
  return path + "\\" + filename;
function GetUMPFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "UMP",     "UModelAPI.ump" ); }
function GetXMIFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_XMI", "UModelAPI.xmi" ); }
function GetHTMLFilePath()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_HTML","UModelAPI.html"); }
function GetRTFFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_RTF", "UModelAPI.rtf" ); }
// /////////////////////// UML data event handlers //////////////////////////////
function objRootPackage_OnChanged( objData, strHint )
  bChangedAnything = true;
// recursively count newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
function CountAddedElements( objNewChild )
  if ( objNewChild != null )
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Class"    ) ++nAddedClasses;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Interface" ) ++nAddedInterfaces;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Property"  ) ++nAddedProperties;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Operation" ) ++nAddedOperations;
    var ownedElements = objNewChild.OwnedElements;
    var itr = new Enumerator( ownedElements );
    for ( ; !itr.atEnd(); itr.moveNext() )
        CountAddedElements( itr.item() );
function objRootPackage_OnAfterAddChild( objParent, objNewChild )
   bChangedAnything = true;
  // recursively count newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
  CountAddedElements( objNewChild );
function objRootPackage_OnBeforeErase( objData )
   bChangedAnything = true;
function objRootPackage_OnMoveData( objParent, objChild, bAttach )
   bChangedAnything = true;
// /////////////////////// MAIN //////////////////////////////
if ( bRunVisible )
  objUModel.Visible = true;
var objDocument = null;
  // open document if it exists; create new one otherwise
  var bDocumentExisted = false;
  if ( objFSO.FileExists( GetUMPFilePath() ) )
     objDocument = objUModel.OpenDocument( GetUMPFilePath() );
     bDocumentExisted = true;
     objDocument = objUModel.NewDocument();
     objDocument.SaveAs( GetUMPFilePath() );
  if ( objDocument == null )
     Exit( "Cannot create or open UModel projectfile" );
  // connect to receive _IUMLDataEvents from the root-package and all its children:
  var objRootPackage = objDocument.RootPackage;
   WScript.ConnectObject (objRootPackage, "objRootPackage_" );
  // ensure we get *all* events from root-package and *all* children:
  objRootPackage.EventFilter = 2 + // eUMLDataEvent_EraseDataOrChild      = 2,
                        8 + // eUMLDataEvent_AddChildOrGrandChild   = 8,
                       32 + // eUMLDataEvent_ChangeDataOrChild      = 32,
                       128; // eUMLDataEvent_MoveChildOrGrandChild   = 128
  if ( bDocumentExisted )
    // UModel projectfile already exists => update model from code
    // get dialog for code <=> model synchonizations and set the wanted options:
    var objSynchronizationSettingsDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.SynchronizationSettingsDlg;
     objSynchronizationSettingsDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objSynchronizationSettingsDlg.ModelFromCode_Synchronization = 0; // eSynchronization_Merge = 0
    // update model from code
    if ( !objDocument.SynchronizeModelFromCode( objSynchronizationSettingsDlg ) )
        Exit("Update model from code failed");
    // UModel projectfile did not exist => newly import code into model
    var objImportSourceDirectoryDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.ImportSourceDirectoryDlg;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
    // set source code directory to import
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Directory = objUModel.PersonalDataDirectory + "\\UModelExamples\\IDEPlugIn";
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ProcessSubdirectories = true;
    // set source code language to import (C# 3.0)
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Language      = 5; // eCodeLang_CSharp_3_0      = 5
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Synchronization = 0; // eSynchronization_Merge = 0
    // import in a new package
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ImportInNewPackage = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.DiagramGeneration = true;
    // content diagram generation settings
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_GenerateSingleDiagram            = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_GenerateDiagramPerPackage         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowNestedClassifiersSeparately      = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowAnonymousBoundElements         = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_HyperlinkPackagesToDiagrams         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowAttributesCompartment         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowOperationsCompartment         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowNestedClassifiersCompartment   = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowEnumerationLiteralsCompartment   = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowTaggedValues               = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_Autolayout                     = 1; // eDiagramLayout_Hierarchic = 1
    // open diagrams that autolayout is done:
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_OpenDiagrams                  = true;
    // package dependency diagram generation settings (disabled)
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.PackageDependency_GenerateDiagram = false;
    // import source directory
    if ( !objDocument.ImportSourceDirectory( objImportSourceDirectoryDlg) )
        // also delete newly created (empty) UMP file that source code directory import is retried the next time
        objFSO.DeleteFile( GetUMPFilePath() );
        Exit( "Error on importing source directory" );
  // disconnect from getting root-package events
  WScript.DisconnectObject( objRootPackage );
catch( err )
  // also delete newly created (empty) UMP file that source code directory import is retried the next time
  objFSO.DeleteFile( GetUMPFilePath() );
  Exit( "Error on importing source directory" );
//if something has changed, update the outputs:
if ( bChangedAnything )
    // make XMI export for UML2.1.2
    var objIExportXMIFileDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.ExportXMIFileDlg;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.XMIFile            = GetXMIFilePath();
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.PrettyPrintXMIOutput   = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportUUIDs         = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportExtensions      = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportDiagrams         = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.XMIType            = 1; // eXMI21ForUML212 = 1
    // export to XMI file:
    if ( !objDocument.ExportToXMIFile( objIExportXMIFileDlg ) )
        // error on XMI generation
  catch( err )
    // error on XMI generation
    var objIDocumentationGenerationDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.GenerateDocumentationDlg;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.GenerateLinksToLocalFiles = 1; // eDocumentationFilePath_RelativeToResultFile   = 1
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.SplitOutputToMultipleFiles = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowResultFileAfterGeneration = true;
    // show up to 10 base class/interface hierarchies
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramNestingDepthUp = 10;
    // only show directly derived classes/interfaces
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramNestingDepthDown = 1;
    // keep hierarchy diagram as small as possible => expand each element only once
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramExpandItemsOnlyOnce = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_Index = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_IncludedSubprojects = false;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_NamedElementsOnly = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_UnknownExternals = false;
    var objIncludeElements = objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_Elements;
    var itrIncludeElements = new Enumerator( objIncludeElements );
    for ( ; !itrIncludeElements.atEnd(); itrIncludeElements.moveNext() )
        var objElemSel = itrIncludeElements.item();
        if ( objElemSel.KindName == "Class"         ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Interface"      ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Enumeration"   ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Operation"      ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Package"      )
           objElemSel.Selection = true;
    // generate HTML documentation (with PNG pictures)
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.OutputFormat = 0; // eDocumentationOutputFormat_HTML   = 0
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.DiagramImageFormat = 0; // eOutputImageFormat_PNG = 0
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.EmbedDiagrams = false;
    if ( !objDocument.GenerateDocumentation( objIDocumentationGenerationDlg, GetHTMLFilePath() ) )
        // error on HTML documentation generation
    // generate RTF documentation (with embeded EMF pictures)
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowDialog = false; // don't show dialog again      
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.OutputFormat = 2; // eDocumentationOutputFormat_RTF   = 2
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.DiagramImageFormat = 1; // eOutputImageFormat_EMF = 1
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.EmbedDiagrams = true;
    if ( !objDocument.GenerateDocumentation( objIDocumentationGenerationDlg, GetRTFFilePath() ) )
        // error on RTF documentation generation
  catch( err )
    // error on documentation generation
  // show the number of newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
  if ( bRunVisible )
     WScript.Echo( "Added classes: "       + nAddedClasses   +
                "\nAdded interfaces: " + nAddedInterfaces +
                "\nAdded properties: " + nAddedProperties +
                "\nAdded operations: " + nAddedOperations );
  if ( bRunVisible )
     WScript.Echo( "Nothing has changed" );
// always save document (although it's not really necessary when nothing has been changed)
if ( bRunVisible )
  objUModel.Visible = false;   // will shutdown application if it was started by this script

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