Altova UModel 2025

The JScript below starts the application and shuts it down. If an instance of the application is already running, the running instance will be returned.


Note:For 32-bit UModel, the registered name, or programmatic identifier (ProgId) of the COM object is UModel.Application. For 64-bit UModel, the name is UModel_x64.Application.


This code is available in the sample file ..\UModelExamples\API\JScript\Start.js (see also Example Files).


// Initialize application's COM object. This will start a new instance of the application and
// return its main COM object. Depending on COM settings, a the main COM object of an already
// running application might be returned.
try {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel.Application");   }
catch(err) {}
if( typeof( objUModel ) == "undefined" )
  try   {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel_x64.Application")   }
     WScript.Echo( "Can't access or create UModel.Application" );
// if newly started, the application will start without its UI visible. Set it to visible.
objUModel.Visible = true;
WScript.Echo(objUModel.Edition + " has successfully started. ");
objUModel.Visible = false; // will shutdown application if it has no more COM connections
//objUModel.Visible = true;   // will keep application running with UI visible


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