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La recherche sur site d'Altova a trouvé 200 documents qui correspondent à votre requête en anglais pour 'xpath':

Documents 111 à 120 de 200

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map:put - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery put function...Summary...Returns a map containing all the contents of the supplied map, but with an additional entry, which replaces any existing entry for the same key. Signature...)...
op:duration-equal - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery duration-equal function...Summary...Returns true if $arg1 and $arg2 are durations of the same length. Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "eq" operators when applied to...
fn:sum - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery sum function...Summary...Returns a value obtained by adding together the values in $arg . Signatures...fn:sum (...$arg as xs:anyAtomicType*...) as xs:anyAtomicType...fn:sum (...$arg...
fn:document-uri - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery document-uri function...Summary...Returns the URI of a resource where a document can be found, if available. Signatures...fn:document-uri (...) as xs:anyURI?...fn:document-uri (...)...
fn:ends-with - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery ends-with function...Summary...Returns true if the string $arg1 contains $arg2 as a trailing substring, taking collations into account. Signatures...fn:ends-with (...$arg1 as...
fn:fold-right - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery fold-right function...Summary...Processes the supplied sequence from right to left, applying the supplied function repeatedly to each item in turn, together with an accumulated result...
fn:resolve-QName - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery resolve-QName function...Summary...Returns an xs:QName value (that is, an expanded-QName) by taking an xs:string that has the lexical form of an xs:QName (a string in the form...
fn:root - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery root function...Summary...Returns the root of the tree to which $arg belongs. This will usually, but not necessarily, be a document node. Signatures...fn:root (...) as node()...$arg...
fn:round - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery round function...Summary...Rounds a value to a specified number of decimal places, rounding upwards if two such values are equally near. Signatures...fn:round (...$arg as xs:numeric?
fn:doc - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery doc function...Summary...Retrieves a document using a URI supplied as an xs:string , and returns the corresponding document node. Signature...fn:doc (...$uri as xs:string?...) as...
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