Altova RecordsManager

You must select one of the Email Forms of the data table to be the data table's Reminder Email form. Do this on the on the data table's Edit Forms page by selecting the email form you want (see screenshot below).

Click to expand/collapse

Note:The option to select an email form as a reminder email form appears only if there is at least one Reminder field in the data table.


RecordsManager URL and sender's email address

Go to Settings | Other Settings | Emails to set:


The URL of your RecordsManager app. This will enable the email recipient to click the URL and go to the app. (Also see Email Forms for information about how to set hyperlinks in an email.)

The email address of the sender of the reminder email.


Debugging reminder email errors

If reminder emails are not being correctly sent, check the following:


Check that at least one reminder field exists in the data table.

Check that a reminder email form has been selected for the data table.

Check whether emails have been set to be sent to the intended user group/s. If yes, then check (with your system administrator) that users belong to the correct user groups. Note that user groups are selected in directly in the reminder's settings. If there is a problem, contact your system administrator.

Check that the reminder settings are correct.

Check that the reminder is a due reminder; if the reminder has any other status, no email will be sent



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