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Altova 検索サイトは 問い合わせ 'xpath' に一致するドキュメントを 200 件検索しました:

ドキュメント 200 の 150 から 141

結果 セクション
op:numeric-equal - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery numeric-equal function...Summary...Returns true if and only if the value of $arg1 is equal to the value of $arg2 . Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "eq" operator when...
array:size - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery size function...Summary...Returns the number of members in the supplied array. Signature...array:size (...$array as array(*)...) as xs:integer...Properties...This function is...
op:numeric-subtract - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery numeric-subtract function...Summary...Returns the arithmetic difference of its operands: ( $arg1 - $arg2 ). Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "-" operator when applied...
fn:default-language - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
......XPath/XQuery default-language function...Summary...Returns the value of the default language property from the dynamic context. Signature...fn:default-language (...) as xs:language...Properties
fn:exists - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery exists function...Summary...Returns true if the argument is a non-empty sequence. Signature...fn:exists (...$arg as item()*...) as xs:boolean...Properties...This function is...
array:for-each - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery for-each function...Summary...Returns an array whose size is the same as array:size($array) , in which each member is computed by applying $function to the corresponding member of...
op:subtract-yearMonthDurations - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery subtract-yearMonthDurations function...Summary...Returns the result of subtracting one xs:yearMonthDuration value from another. Operator Mapping...Defines the semantics of the "-"...
fn:namespace-uri - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
......XPath/XQuery namespace-uri function...Summary...Returns the namespace URI part of the name of $arg , as an xs:anyURI value. Signatures...fn:namespace-uri (...) as xs:anyURI...fn:namespace-uri (
fn:normalize-space - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery normalize-space function...Summary...Returns the value of $arg with leading and trailing whitespace removed, and sequences of internal whitespace reduced to a single space character....
fn:trace - XPath XQuery Reference | Altova
XPath/XQuery trace function...Summary...Provides an execution trace intended to be used in debugging queries. Signatures...fn:trace (...$value as item()*...) as item()*...fn:trace (...$value as...
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