Category Approvals
The Category Approvals report enables you to generate reports on the basis of the approval status of a category's classifications.
To set up a category approvals report, do the following:
1.On the page for this report (see screenshot below), check the options that you wish to include (see list below screenshot).

•Show classification descriptions: Whether the descriptions of classifications will be shown or not.
•Not yet ready for approval: Classifications for which no approval request has been submitted.
•Waiting for approval: Classifications for which an approval request has been submitted, but for which approval has not yet been authorized.
•Already approved: Classifications for which an approval request has been authorized.
•Only approvals older than: Selects approved classifications based on when the approvals were made.
•Only if they have been changed since approval: Selects approved classifications that have been changed since approval was granted.
•List highlighted categories only: Only data categories containing any of the above classifications are listed. Otherwise all categories are listed
2.Select the report format (PDF or Word), and click Create.
Downloading the report opens the PDF in a browser, or the Word file (.docx format) in an application of your choice. Classifications that were selected for highlighting are displayed in a bold font.