Altova MapForce 2025 Basic Edition

The Altova extension functions listed below return schema information. Given below are descriptions of the functions, together with (i) examples and (ii) a listing of schema components and their respective properties.  They can be used with Altova's XPath 3.0 and XQuery 3.0 engines and are available in XPath/XQuery contexts.


Schema information from schema documents

The function altova:schema has two arguments: one with zero arguments and the other with two arguments. The zero-argument function returns the whole schema. You can then, from this starting point, navigate into the schema to locate the schema components you want. The two-argument function returns a specific component kind that is identified by its QName. In both cases, the return value is a function. To navigate into the returned component, you must select a property of that specific component. If the property is a non-atomic item (that is, if it is a component), then you can navigate further by selecting a property of this component. If the selected property is an atomic item, then the value of the item is returned and you cannot navigate any further.


Note:  In XPath expressions, the schema must be imported into the processing environment (for example, into XSLT) with the xslt:import-schema instruction. In XQuery expressions, the schema must be explicitly imported using a schema import.


Schema information from XML nodes

The function altova:type submits the node of an XML document and returns the node's type information from the PSVI.



Note about naming of functions and language applicability




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