Altova MobileTogether Designer

Run MT Solution from Code

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To run a solution, you can specify the required properties of the SolutionView control in the XAML file itself. Alternatively, you can run a solution from code (typically C++ or C#) as follows.


You can instantiate a SolutionView control in the XAML file with a name, as follows:


<mobiletogether:SolutionView Name="x:MySolutionView" />


You can then run the solution from code as follows:


mySolutionView.ServerURL = "";

mySolutionView.Port = "443";

mySolutionView.UseSSL = true;

mySolutionView.User = "";

mySolutionView.Password = "";

mySolutionView.SolutionURL = "/pulic/MyCollections?Par1=123&Par2=456";

await mySolutionView.StartSolution();


In code, the following actions can be performed via the corresponding methods listed below :


Page submit: mySolutionView.Submit();

Page refresh: mySolutionView.Refresh();

Go back: mySolutionView.GoBack();

Stop the solution: mySolutionView.StopSolution();

Suspend the solution: mySolutionView.SuspendSolution();

Access the solution's local storage: mySolutionView.GetSolutionLocalFolder();


Note the following points:


The SolutionURL method can take the solution's input parameters.

When the solution is finished or closed, the SolutionFinished event is fired. You can use this event, for example, to close the UWP app window after the solution finishes.

Communication from the solution is carried out by writing to files in the solution's local storage or to any other accessible folder such as the Music, Videos, and Pictures folders.

While it is possible to run the same solution in two separate SolutionView controls on the same page, there would be difficulties accessing the same resources. For example, you would encounter problems if you try to access a file in one SolutionView control while trying to delete it in another.


For an example, see the topic Example UWP App.


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