Altova MobileTogether Designer

Compile Program Code

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After you complete the Generate Program Code Wizard and click OK in the Deploy Design screen, the app's workflow will be deployed to the server and program code for the selected app formats will be generated. Program code is generated for each app format separately, and is generated in the respective target directories that you specified in the wizard. This section describes how to compile the respective program codes into the AppStore Apps that you can upload to the respective app stores.


The program code that is generated by MobileTogether Designer does not usually need modifying before it is built. However, if you need to modify the project, it is important that you modify the SPL template files instead of the generated project files. This is so that your changes are not lost when you subsequently generate the project via the Generate Program Code Wizard. SPL and SPL templates are described in the section SPL Templates.


Program code is generated for the app formats listed below. The links below take you to the respective sub-sections. Each sub-section describes how to compile the program code for that app format.




Windows App


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