Altova MobileTogether Designer

The Share action (highlighted in the screenshot below) enables the end user to share text and images. The text can be sent as HTML or plain text, and it is selected via an XPath expression in the Share action's Text field (see screenshot below). Additionally, text and image attachments can be generated. When the Share action is triggered on the mobile device, the device's sharing options are displayed. (These are the messaging and social-networking apps that are installed on the mobile device.) The end user can then select one of these apps, and proceed as he or she usually would when sharing.

Note:The Share action cannot be used on web clients.



The tutorial Sharing Geolocations shows how the Share action can be used.


MobileTogether extension functions

MobileTogether provides a range of XPath extension functions that have been specifically created for use in MobileTogether designs. Some functions can be particularly useful with specific actions. For example, mt-available-languages() returns the languages in which the solution is available and could, for example, be used with the Message Box action. If a function is especially relevant to this action, it is listed below. For a full list of extension functions and their descriptions, see the topic MobileTogether Extension Functions.




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