Altova Authentic 2025 Desktop


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OnUpdateCommand(nID as long, pXMLSpy as IDispatch) as SPYUpdateAction



The OnUpdateCommand() method is called each time the visible state of a button or menu item needs to be set. nID stores the command ID defined by the ID element of the respective UIElement. pXMLSpy holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object.


Possible return values to set the update state are:

spyEnable    = 1

spyDisable   = 2

spyCheck     = 4

spyUncheck   = 8



Public Function IXMLSpyPlugIn_OnUpdateCommand(ByVal nID As Long, ByVal pXMLSpy As Object) As SPYUpdateAction

  IXMLSpyPlugIn_OnUpdateCommand = spyDisable


  If (Not (pXMLSpy Is Nothing)) Then

     Dim objSpy As XMLSpyLib.Application

     Set objSpy = pXMLSpy


     If nID = 3 Or nID = 5 Then

        IXMLSpyPlugIn_OnUpdateCommand = spyEnable

     End If

     If nID = 4 Or nID = 6 Then

        If objSpy.Documents.Count > 0 Then

           IXMLSpyPlugIn_OnUpdateCommand = spyEnable


           IXMLSpyPlugIn_OnUpdateCommand = spyDisable

        End If

     End If

  End If

End Function


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