Altova Authentic 2025 Desktop

Other Authentic Desktop Entry Points in Eclipse

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In addition to the Authentic Desktop perspective, two other entry points in Eclipse can be used to access Authentic Desktop functionality:


Authentic Desktop menu

Authentic Desktop toolbar


Authentic Desktop menu in Eclipse

The Authentic Desktop menu of Eclipse contains Authentic Desktop commands that provide key Authentic Desktop functionality. These commands occur in various menus of the standalone version of Authentic Desktop.



Authentic Desktop toolbar in Eclipse

The Authentic Desktop toolbar in Eclipse (screenshot below) contains two buttons.


These buttons do the following:


Open the Authentic Desktop Help

Provide access to Authentic Desktop commands (as an alternative to accessing them from the Authentic Desktop menu, see above).


Note:Toolbar commands are not supported. If you have set up a toolbar command in Authentic Desktop that runs a command or script, then this toolbar command will not be available in the plug-in.


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