Altova Authentic 2025 Desktop

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The Open command pops up the familiar Windows Open dialog, and allows you to open any XML-related document or text document. In the Open dialog, you can select more than one file to open. Use the Files of Type combo box to restrict the kind of files displayed in the dialog box. (The list of available file types can be configured in the File Types section of the Options dialog (Tools | Options).) When an XML file is opened, it is checked for well-formedness. If the file is not well-formed, you will get a file-not-well-formed error. Fix the error and select the menu command XML | Check Well-Formedness (F7) to recheck. If you have opted for automatic validation upon opening and the file is invalid, you will get an error message. Fix the error and select the menu command XML | Validate XML (F8)  to revalidate.




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