Altova DiffDog 2025 Professional Edition

Navigate Differences

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When the results of a comparison are first displayed it is always the first difference that is the current difference. You can navigate through the differences by selecting other differences to be the current difference or move the selection of the current difference by using the following navigation commands in the Diff and Merge menu and toolbar:


ic_next-diff Next Difference (Alt+Down): Selects the next difference as the current difference.

ic_previous-diff Previous Difference (Alt+Up): Selects the previous difference as the current difference.

ic_last-diff Last Difference (Alt+End): Selects the last difference in the document as the current difference.

ic_first-diff First Difference (Alt+Home): Selects the first difference in the document as the current difference.

ic_display-current-diff Display Current Difference (Ctrl+Enter): Scrolls through the document to display the current difference. This command is useful if you have scrolled to some point that causes the current difference to be outside the display area (document pane).

ic_make-current-diff Make Current Difference (Alt+Enter): Makes the selected difference the current difference, and sets it as the difference from which to navigate. The Make Current Difference command is useful if you wish to jump directly to a particular difference and navigate from there.


If the icons described above are not displayed in your toolbar, you can include them by checking the Diff and Merge option in the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box.


Note:The navigation commands move the selection of the current difference in both documents. If you wish to edit highlighted text, you must place the cursor in the highlighted text (in the appropriate document).


Current difference and editing

If, in a File Comparison window, you start typing into the document and the Compare While Editing ic_compare-while-editing toggle in the Diff and Merge menu is off, all difference highlighting disappears in both documents. If the Compare While Editing toggle is on, then if you type in something that results in a difference it is highlighted as the current difference; if you make a modification that removes a difference, the difference immediately following the cursor position is highlighted as the current difference.

To make a difference the current difference:

1.Place the cursor in the required difference (which could be anywhere in the document) or navigate to it using the Next Difference ic_next-diff or Previous Difference ic_previous-diff navigation commands listed above.

2.Select the menu option Diff and Merge | Make Current Difference or press Alt+Enter or select the corresponding toolbar icon ic_make-current-diff from the Diff and Merge toolbar.

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